This is my editing room. And anyone who knows me knows that this crow won't caw. So this morning I lit out for Brooklyn where way down in Red Hook there is an Ikea. It took a bit of a ride on the R train.
So there's no real subway station anywhere near this Ikea. So what you do is you get off at 9th St./4th Ave. and take an Ikea shuttle bus that picks you up there on the curb.
But there at the corner is St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Inside it's all churchy.
Finally the Ikea Shuttle came and we trundled to the store.
Once inside, I wove my way through the maze and finally found the cheese. The Lighting Department.
Now this is where I shine. I get in, I get the goods, I get out. No browsing. No fumbling about. Just pointy-end-of-the-spear action.
I grabbed the lamps, etc. I needed then hustled back out. I retraced my steps and ended up back on the subway. Apparently it was Mariachi Day on the R Train.
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