Friday, October 10, 2008

Who Are We?

Every day when I see what the McCain campaign is saying and doing I get heartsick. They are not Americans. They do not believe in traditional American values.

To fully catalog how the Republican Party and its amoral, cynical leaders are chipping away at all the things we treasure as Americans would take volumes and volumes. The sheer, shameless contempt the right wing has for the people of this country is astonishing to consider. But it's there. It's there in the pernicious, feckless race-baiting, the whisper campaign designed to scare you away from voting for a black man, the lies, the anti-intellectualism, the base appeals to the darkest sides of our nature...

It's disgusting. And it's saddening. And it's how the right wing of this country wants to discredit rational thought and science and individual ambition. Because a plutocracy can't thrive with an educated public. And if the American public once again allows itself to be ruled by fear, dragged ever more into the shadows of fascism then we will be able to point to now -- to right now -- as the moment when we decided to sacrifice America on the altar of hate.

Never before has there been a moment of greater importance for the future of ourselves and for our country. We stand at a crossroads at which we must choose the light or choose darkness.

It really is that simple.

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