Wednesday, October 1, 2008

That Looks...snif...Great

What the hell is a cold anyway? I mean seriously. What is it? I'd rather fracture my tibia in three places than suffer the indignities of the common cold. Standing sheepishly on the subway platform trying to hide the snot dribbling from your nostrils...

So I had to drag my sniffly butt downtown, to Post Works in SoHo. Post Works is doing our telecine, our sound, AND our final lab work. But this afternoon was the first day of film transfer. So I needed to be in the room to supervise the set-up. At least the room is dark so they can't see my red nostrils.

I did have to press the colorist to properly execute an anamorphic 16x9 frame so that I can cut the movie in the Avid the way I want to. There was some resistance but eventually they agreed.

After all that wrangling, I was thirsty. They said there was water in the hall outside the suite. You can see it - right there, against the windows...

But there was no way I was gonna go back and forth with my little Dixie cup that I could swig down in one fell gulp. So I asked for something a bit more voluminous. That's what I got.

Finally after three hours the session was over and I headed out in to the drizzly twilight. I think I'm starting to connect a little bit.

I'd feel better if I felt better.


Dana said...

I found your blog to be quite interesting. Love the photos.
Will stop back by again soon to read what you are up to. Take Care~ Dana

David said...

Thanks, Dana. Much appreciated. I was born and reared in Dallas and was up in Oklahoma many times. If you're interested, you may also check out my blog from my last movie (

Thanks again for stopping by!

Jacek said...

I like your blog, even the picture with the bag of tissues... I think I got a cold from you - on line:)